- Narzanin Massoumi, David Miller and Tom Mills 'We should aim our attention at powerful institutions and the super-rich', Network, Spring 2018: 23-5.
- Vian Bakir, Eric Herring, David Miller and Piers Robinson, (forthcoming, 2018) 'Lying and Deception in Politics' in Jörg Meibauer (ed) Oxford Handbook of Lying, Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Bakir, V., Herring, E., Miller, D., Robinson, P. (2018) 'Organized Persuasive Communication: A New Conceptual Framework for Research on Promotional Culture, Public Relations and Propaganda', Critical Sociology.
- Miller, D., Massoumi, N. & Mills, T. (2017) 'The challenge of Islamophobia' in Wakefield, M. (ed.). Why We Need A New Foreign Policy: A Stop the War Coalition Briefing. November, London: Stop the War Coalition, p. 21-25.
- Massoumi, N., Miller, D. & Mills, T. (2017) 'Islamophobia, Social Movements and the State: For a Movement Centred Approach' in What is Islamophobia? : Racism, Social Movements and the State. Massoumi, N., Mills, T. & Miller, D. (eds.). London: Pluto Press.
- Tom Griffin, David Miller, Tom Mills (2017) The Neoconservative Movement: Think Tanks as Elite Elements of Social Movements From Above' in What is Islamophobia? : Racism, Social Movements and the State. Massoumi, N., Mills, T. & Miller, D. (eds.). London: Pluto Press.
- Narzanin Massoumi, David Miller, Tom Mills (2017) 'Liberal and Left Movements and the Rise of Islamophobia' in What is Islamophobia? : Racism, Social Movements and the State. Massoumi, N., Mills, T. & Miller, D. (eds.). London: Pluto Press.
- Narzanin Massoumi, David Miller, Tom Mills (2017) 'Fighting Back: Challenging the State and Social Movements From Above' in What is Islamophobia? : Racism, Social Movements and the State. Massoumi, N., Mills, T. & Miller, D. (eds.). London: Pluto Press.
- Tom Mills and David Miller, (2017) 'Religious terrorism, radicalisation and the causes of terrorism' in James Lewis (ed) The Cambridge Companion to Religion and Terrorism, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- Anderson, P., Berridge, V., Conrod, P., Dudley, R., Hellman, M., Lachenmeier, D., Lingford-Hughes, A., Miller, D., Rehm, J., Room, R., Schmidt, L., Sullivan, R., Ysa, T. & Gual, A. (2017) Reframing the science and policy of nicotine, illegal drugs and alcohol - conclusions of the ALICE RAP Project Mar 2017 In : F1000 Research. 6, 289.
- David Miller, Piers Robinson, Vian Bakir and Eric Herring, (2017) 'Propaganda and Persuasion in Contemporary Conflict' in Piers Robinson, Philip M. Seib, Romy Fröhlich (eds) Routlege Handbook of Media, Conflict and Security. London: Routledge.
- David Miller and William Dinan (2016), 'Digging deeper: Big data and the horizon of sociology beyond existential crisis' in Linda McKie and Louise Ryan (eds) An End to the Crisis of Empirical Sociology?, London: Routledge.
- Matt Dawson, Bridget Fowler, David Miller and Andrew Smith (2015), 'Conclusion: Stretching the Sociological Imagination in the Neoliberal Academy', in Matt Dawson, Bridget Fowler, David Miller and Andrew Smith (eds) Stretching the Sociological Imagination: Essays in Honour of John Eldridge, Houndmills: Palgrave Macmillian.
- David Miller (2015), 'Sociology, Propaganda and Psychological Operations', in Matt Dawson, Bridget Fowler, David Miller and Andrew Smith (eds) Stretching the Sociological Imagination: Essays in Honour of John Eldridge, Houndmills: Palgrave Macmillian.
- Greg Philo, David Miller, and Catherine Happer (2015) 'Circuits of communication and structures of power: the sociology of the mass media', in Martin Holborn, M. (ed) Contemporary Sociology. Polity Press. ISBN 9780745661827
- David Miller and Will Dinan (2015) 'Resisting meaningful action on climate change: Think tanks, 'merchants of doubt' and the 'corporate capture' of sustainable development', in Anders Hansen and Robert Cox (eds) Handbook of Environment and Communication, London: Routledge.
- David Miller (2015) 'Neoliberalism, Politics and Institutional Corruption: Against the "Institutional Malaise" Hypothesis', in David Whyte (ed) How corrupt is Britain?, London: Pluto Press.
- David Miller and Claire Harkins (2015) 'Addictive substances and behaviours and corruption, transparency and governance' in Peter Anderson, Jürgen Rehm, and Robin Room (eds) Impact of Addictive Substances and Behaviours on Individual and Societal Well-being, Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- David Miller & Claire Harkins (2014) 'Webs Of Influence: Corporate Impacts On Governance' in Anderson, P., Bühringer, G. & Colom, J. (eds) Reframing addiction: policies, processes and pressures. Barcelona: The ALICE RAP project. ISBN: 978-84-697-1647-2 Available online (PDF).
- David Miller (2014), 'Media power and class power: Overplaying ideology' in Savaş Çoban (ed) Media and Left. Leiden: Brill.
- David Miller, 'Public Relations' in The Media: An Introduction, Edited by Albertazzi and Cobley, p.120-139, Routledge, 2013. Chapter Overview.
- Dinan, W. and Miller, D., 'Sledgehammers, Nuts and Rotten Apples: Reassessing the Case for Lobbying Self-Regulation in the United Kingdom, Interest Groups and Advocacy, Volume 1 Issue 1, advance online publication, March 27, 2012; doi:10.1057/iga.2012.5
- Blackbourn, J., Dexter, H., Dhanda, R. and Miller, D. 'Editor’s Introduction: A Decade on from 11 September 2001: What Has Critical Terrorism Studies Learned?', Critical Studies on Terrorism Vol. 5, No. 1, April 2012, 1–10.
- Miller, D. and Sabir, R., 'Propaganda and Terrorism: Doctrine and Practice' in D. Freedman and D. Thussu (Eds.) Media and Terrorism: Global Perspectives, London: Sage, 2012.
- Miller, D. and Sabir, R., 'Counterterrorism as Counterinsurgency in the UK "War on Terror"' in D. Whyte and S. Poynting (Eds.) Counter Terrorism and State Political Violence, London: Routledge, 2012.
- Miller, D. and Mills, T. (2011), 'Introduction: Teaching and Researching Terrorism: pressures and practice', Critical Studies on Terrorism. 4(3): 389-92.
- Miller, D., Mills, T. and Harkins, S., (2011) 'Teaching about terrorism in the UK: how it is done and what problems it causes', Critical Studies on Terrorism. 4(3): 405-20.
- Miller, D. and Mooney, G., 'Introduction to the Themed Issue. Corporate Power: Agency, Communication, Influence and Social Policy', Critical Social Policy, Themed Issue on Corporate Power: Agency, Communication, Influence and Social Policy Vol. 30 (4), November: 459-471, 2010.
- Sklair, L. and Miller, D. 'Capitalist Globalisation, Corporate Social Responsibility and Social Policy', Critical Social Policy, Themed Issue on Corporate Power: Agency, Communication, Influence and Social Policy Vol. 30 (4), November: 472-495, 2010.
- Miller, D. and Harkins, C., 'Corporate Strategy and Corporate Capture: Food and Alcohol Industry and Lobbying and Public Health', Critical Social Policy, Themed Issue on Corporate Power: Agency, Communication, Influence and Social Policy Vol. 30 (4), November: 564-589, 2010.
- Miller, D. and Ahmad, I., 'Powerbase: A Collaborative Resource for Monitoring Power Networks', Radical Statistics, No. 102, 'Whose Statistics', October 2010, p. 4-16, 2010.
- Miller, D. and Mills, T., 'Counterinsurgency and Terror Expertise: The Integration of Social Scientists into the War Effort', Cambridge Review of International Affairs, Vol 23 No. 2, 203-221, June 2010.
- Miller, D., 'How Neoliberalism Got Where It Is: Elite Planning, Corporate Lobbying and the Release of the Free Market', 'The Rise and Fall of Neoliberalism The Collapse of an Economic Order? ', Edited by Kean Birch and Vlad Mykhnenko, Zed Press, June 2010.
- Miller, D., 'Who Rules Scotland? Neoliberalism, the Scottish Ruling Class and its Intellectuals' in Neoliberal Scotland: Class and Society in a Stateless Nation, Edited by Neil Davidson, Patricia McCafferty and David Miller, Newcastle Upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, pp. 93-136, 2010. (extract including contents page, introduction & chapter one)
- Miller, D. and Andrade, M. 'The Social issues Research Centre', British Medical Journal, Volume 340, p.511, 6 March 2010.
- Miller, D. and Dinan, W., 'Introduction' in Jeff Klaehn (Ed), The Political Economy of Media and Power, New York, Peter Lang, March 2010, pp. 1-5. ISBN 978-1-4331-0773-3 pb
- Miller, D., 'Public Relations' in D. Albertazzi and P. Cobley (eds.) The Media: An Introduction, 3rd Ed. London: Longman, 2010.
- Miller D. and Mills, T., 'The Terror Experts and the Mainstream Media: The Expert Nexus and its Dominance in the News Media', Critical Studies on Terrorism, Volume 2, issue 3. December 2009 , pages 414 - 437 (Scribd)
- Miller, D., 'Corporate Lobbying’s New Frontier: from Influencing Policy-Making to Shaping Public Debate', in Dieter Zinnbauer (Ed.) Global Corruption Report, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press in association with Transparency International, 2009.
- Miller, D., 'Las Nuevas Fronteras del Lobby Corporativo: de la Influencia en la Elaboración de Políticas a la Definición del Debate Público' in Dieter Zinnbauer, Rebecca Dobson y Krina Despota (eds) Informe Global De La Corrupcion 2009: Corrupción y sector privado Cambridge University Press. pp. 44-46.
- Miller, D. 'La Nouvelle Frontière du Lobbying d’Entreprise: de l’Influence sur les Décisions Politiques au Façonnage du Débat Public', Rapport mondial sur la corruption 2009 La corruption et le secteur privé, Cambridge University Press.
- Miller, D., 'Korrumpierung der Spielregeln: Von Legitimer Einflussnahme zur Eroberung von Regulierung und Politik' (Corrupting the rules of the game: lobbying and regulatory and policy capture) Forschungsjournal Neue Soziale Bewegungen (Research Journal of New Social Movements), Jg. 22 1/2009, Lucius & Lucius: Stuttgart, p. 40-47.Abstract in German / Abstract in English
- Miller, D. and Dinan, W., 'Revolving Doors, Accountability and Transparency - Emerging Regulatory Concerns and Policy Solutions in the Financial Crisis', (GOV-PGC-ETH-2009-2), Paper prepared for the OECD and the Dutch National Integrity Office organized Global Forum on Public Governance “Building a Cleaner World: Tools and Good Practices for Fostering a Culture of Integrity” on 4-5 May 2009 in Paris. (Scribd)
- Dinan, W. and Miller, D. ‘Journalism, Public Relations and Spin’ in Karin Wahl-Jorgensen and Thomas Hanitzsch (Eds) Handbook of Journalism Studies , New York: Routledge, 2009.
- Miller, D. and Dinan, W., ‘Corridors of Power : Lobbying in the UK’ in 'Les Coulisses du Pouvoir' sous la direction de Susan Trouvé-Finding, special Issue of L'Observatoire de la Société Britannique Numéro 6, June 2008, 245 pages, ISBN: 2-9526-375-5-5.
- Dinan, W. and Miller, D., 'Transparency in EU Decision Making, Holding Corporations to Account: Why the ETI Needs Mandatory Lobbying Disclosure' in Corruption and democracy: Political finances - conflicts of interest - lobbying - justice , Strasbourg: Council of Europe.
- Miller, D., 'Introduction: Unearthing Corporate Spin' in Thinker, Faker, Spinner, Spy: Corporate PR and the Assault on Democracy, Dinan, W. and Miller, D. (Eds) London: Pluto Press.
- Miller, D., 'Public Relations and the Subversion of Democracy' in Thinker, Faker, Spinner, Spy: Corporate PR and the Assault on Democracy, Dinan, W. and Miller, D. (Eds), London: Pluto Press.
- Mlller, D., 'Spinning Farmed Salmon' in Thinker, Faker, Spinner, Spy: Corporate PR and the Assault on Democracy, Dinan, W. and Miller, D. (Eds) London: Pluto Press.
- Miller, D. and Dinan, W. , 'Conclusion: Countering Corporate Spin' in Thinker, Faker, Spinner, Spy: Corporate PR and the Assault on Democracy, Dinan, W. and Miller, D. (Eds) London: Pluto Press.
- Miller, D., 'Public Relations as a Conspiracy Against Democracy', in A Complicated, Antagonistic and Symbiotic Affair: Journalsim, Public Relations and Their Struggle for Public Attention, Bernd Merkel, Stephan Russ-Mohl and Giovanni Zavaritt (eds) Lugano: Universita Della Svizzera Italiana, 2007, pp. 153-160.
- Miller, D., 'La Democracia Manipulada por la Propaganda: el Reino Unido y las Lecciones de Irak' in Colin Leys and Leo Panitch (Eds) Socialist Register 2006: diciendo la verdad, Buenos Aires : Consejo Latinoamericano de Ciencias Sociales - CLACSO : Centro Cultural de la Cooperación Floreal Gorini, 2007. 328 p. ; 24x16 cm. ISBN 978-987-1183-77-7
- Dinan, W. and Miller, D., 'Transparency in the EU Decision Making, Holding Corporations to Account: Why the ETI needs mandatory Lobbying Disclosure' in Tom Spencer and Conor McGrath (eds) Challenge and Response Essays on Public Affairs and Transparency, Brussels: Landmarks Publishing, 2006. Citation
- Miller, D. provided the Foreword British Propaganda in Ireland and its Significance Today to Brian Murphy's The Origin and Organisation of British Propaganda in Ireland 1920, Aubane Historical Society and Spinwatch, 2006.
- 'Unspinning Social Inequality: An Interview with David Miller' by Jeffery Klaehn in J. Klaehn (ed.) Bound By Power: Intended Consequences, Toronto: Black Rose Books, 2006.
- Miller, D., 'Propaganda and the 'Terror Threat' in the UK' in Elizabeth Poole and John E. Richardson (Eds.) Muslims and the News Media, London: I B Tauris. ISBN 1-8451-1172-9. 2006.
- Miller, D. (2006) 'Propaganda-Managed Democracy: The UK and the Lessons of Iraq' in Colin Leys and Leo Panitch (Eds) Socialist Register 2006: Telling the Truth, London: Merlin Press. ISSN: 0081-0606. Abstract.
- Hubbard, G. and Miller, G. 'Barbarism Inc' in Hubbard, G and Miller D. (eds) Arguments Against G8, London: Pluto.
- Miller, D. and Hubbard, G., 'Naming the Problem' in Hubbard, G and Miller D. (eds) Arguments Against G8, London: Pluto.
- Philo, G. and Miller, D., 'Communication and power: Production, consumption and reproduction' in Martin Holborn (Ed.) Developments in sociology : an annual review, Volume 21, Causeway Press, 2005.
- Miller, D., 'System Failure: It's Not Just the Media - the Whole Political System has Failed', Journal of Public Affairs, Vol. 4(4), November 2004: 374-383, 2004.
- Miller, D., ‘Information Dominance: The Philosophy of Total Propaganda Control’ in Kamalipour, Y. and Snow, N. (Eds) War, Media and Propaganda: A global perspective, Lanham, Maryland: Rowman and Littlefield. pp7-16, 2004.
- Miller, D., 'The Propaganda Machine' in Miller, D. (Ed.) Tell Me Lies: Media and Propaganda in the attack on Iraq, London: Pluto Press, 2004.
- Miller, D., 'Caught in the Matrix', Index of Censorship, April 2004, 33: 112-117. Also published on Eurozine and Scoop.
- Miller, D., 'Propaganda and the "Terror Threat" in the UK', Media Education Journal, Issue 34, Autumn: 31-33, 2003.
- Miller, D., 'System Failure: It's Not Just the Media, it's the Whole Bloody System', Paper presented at the seminar 'Can't Vote, Won't Vote? Are the Media to Blame for Political Disengagement?' Goldsmiths College, University of London Thursday 6th November, 2003.
- Miller, D. and Dinan, W., 'Global public relations and global capitalism' in David Demers (Ed.), Terrorism, Globalization and Mass Communication (Spokane, WA: Marquette Books), 2003.
- Miller, D., 'Embed with the military' in Danny Schechter Embedded: Weapons of Mass Deception: How the Media Failed to Cover the War on Iraq, New York: Prometheus Books, p.73-76, 2003.
- Miller, D., 'Propaganda and Peace in Ireland', in Media in Ireland: Issues in Broadcasting , Damian Kiberd (Ed.), Dublin: Four Courts Press, 2002.
- Miller, D., 'Promotion and Power' in A. Briggs and P. Cobley (eds.) Introduction to Media, 2nd Ed. London: Longman, 2002. Citation.
- Miller, D., Schlesinger, P. & Dinan, W. (2002), 'A closed Scotland? Lobbying at Holyrood'. C Warhurst & G Hassan (eds), in: The anatomy of the new Scotland: power, influence and change. Edinburgh: Mainstream. Citation.
- Philo, G. and Miller, D., 'Circuits of Communication and Power: Recent Developments in Media Sociology' in M. Holborn (ed) Developments in Sociology, Ormskirk: Causeway Press, ISBN 1-902796-42-X, June 2002, p1-22. Citation.
- Miller, D. and Philo, G., 'Silencing Dissent in Academia: The Commercialisation of Science', The Psychologist, Vol. 15 No 5, May 2002.
- Miller, D. and Philo, G., 'Developments in Research on Communication and Power', Social Science Teacher, Vol 31, 3, Spring 2002: 3-8. Citation.
- Miller, D., 'World Opinion Opposed the Attack on Afghanistan', Media Development, vol. XLIX (1): 52-54, 2002.
- Miller, D., 'Opinion Polls and the misrepresentation of public opinion on the war with Afghanistan', Television and New Media, Vol. 3 No. 2, May 2002: 153-161.
- Philo, G., Miller, E. & Miller, D., Glasgow Media Group, 'Reporting Child Deaths - The Role of the Media', NSPCC, 2001.
- Philo, G. and Miller, D., 'New Labour, the Market and Meritocracy', Social Science Teacher, Vol. 30 No 2:3-10, 2001.
- Philo, G. and Miller, G., 'Corrupting Research: How the Market Shapes Science', Sociology Review, Vol. 11 (1) September 2001: 24-27. Citation.
- Miller, D. and Philo, G., 'Consumption, Reception and Power', reply to critics of "Cultural Compliance" by , Soundscapes, Vol. 4, September 2001.
- Miller, D. and Philo, G., 'The Active Audience and Wrong Turns in Media Studies: Rescuing Media Power', Soundscapes, Vol. 4, September 2001.
- Miller, D., 'Media Power and Class Power: Overplaying Ideology', in L. Panitch and C. Leys (eds) 'A World of Contradictions', Socialist Register 2001, London: Merlin Press, US: Monthly Review Press, Canada: Fernwood Publishing. Abstract.
- Miller, D. and Schlesinger P., 'Public Relations and the EU: Changing Configurations' in R. Heath (ed.) The Handbook of Public Relations, Newbury Park: SAGE, 2000. Citation.
- Miller, D. and Schlesinger, P., 'Lobbying and Public Relations in Europe', pp. 331-341 in B. Baerns and J. Raupp (eds) Information und Kommunikation in Europa: Forschung und Praxis/Transnational Communication in Europe: Practice and Research, Berlin: Vistas, December 2000, ISBN 3-89158-288-9.
- Miller, D. and Dinan, W., 'The Rise of the PR industry in Britain 1979-1998' European Journal of Communication, 15(1) March 2000: 5-35.
- Miller, D and Boyle, R., 'A Joined Up Media Studies', Media Education Journal, March 2000: 3-7.
- Philo, G. and Miller, D., 'Cultural Compliance', Social Science Teacher, Vol. 30 No.1 Autumn 2000: 3-10.
- Philo, G. and Miller, D., 'Cultural Compliance and Critical Media Studies', Media Culture and Society, Vol. 22: 831-839. Reprinted in Soundscapes: Online Journal on Media Culture, December 2000.
- Miller, D., 'Risk, Science and Policy: Definitional Struggles, Information Management, the Media and BSE', Social Science and Medicine special edition 'Science speaks to policy' Vol. 49 (9): 1239-1255, 1999.
- Miller, D. and Philo, G., 'The Effective Media' in Philo, G. (Ed.) Message Received, London: Longman, 1999.
- Beattie, L., Miller, E., Miller, D. and Philo, G., 'The Media and Africa: Images of Disaster and Rebellion' in Philo, G. (Ed.) Message Received, London: Longman, 1999.
- Miller, D. and Macintyre, S., 'Risk Communication: The Relationships Between the Media, Public Beliefs and Policy-Making', in Calman, K. and Davies, P.(Eds) Risk Communication and Public Health, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1999.
- Miller, D. and Kitzinger, J., 'AIDS, the Policy Process and Moral Panics' in Miller, D., Kitzinger, J., Williams, K and Beharrell, P.The Circuit of Mass Communication, February, Sage, 1998.
- Miller, D., 'Promotional Strategies and Media Power' in A. Briggs and P. Cobley (eds.) Introduction to Media, London: Longman, p65-80, 1998, ISBN 0582 27798 1. Citation.
- Macintyre, S., Reilly, J., Miller, D. and Eldridge, J., 'Explaining Food Scares in the Media' in Anne Murcott (Ed.) The Nations Diet, August, London: Longman, 1998.
- Miller, D., 'Mediating Science: Promotional Strategies, Media Coverage, Public Belief and Decision Making' in Scanlon, E., Whitelegg, E. and Yates, S. (Eds.) Communicating Science: Contexts and Channels, November, London: Routledge in association with the Open University, 1998.
- Miller, D., 'Colonialism and Academic Representations of the Troubles', in Miller, D. (Ed.) Rethinking Northern Ireland: Colonialism, Power and Ideology, November, London: Longman, 1998.
- Reilly, J. and Miller, D., 'Scaremonger or Scapegoat: The Role of the Media in the Emergence of Food as a Social Issue' in P. Caplan (Ed.) Food, Health and Identity, London: Routledge, August 1997, p234-251, ISBN 0415156807.
- Miller, D., 'Dominant Ideologies and Media Power: The Case of Northern Ireland' in Mary Kelly and Barbara O'Connor (eds.) Media Audiences in Ireland: Power and Cultural Identity, Dublin: University College Dublin Press, September 1997, p126-145 ISBN 1 900621 096.
- Miller, D., 'Background Answers to the Irish Question', Scotsman, p.19, 6 January 1996.
- Miller, D. and McLaughlin, G., 'Reporting the peace in Ireland' in Rolston, Bill and Miller, David (eds.) War and Words: The Northern Ireland Media Reader, Belfast: Beyond the Pale, 1996.
- Miller, D., 'The History Behind a Mistake', Rolston, Bill and Miller, David (eds.) War and Words: The Northern Ireland Media Reader , Belfast: Beyond the Pale, 1996.
- Miller, D., 'The Northern Ireland Information Service and the Media: Aims, Strategy, Tactics' Rolston, Bill and Miller, David (eds.) War and Words: The Northern Ireland Media Reader , Belfast: Beyond the Pale, 1996.
- Miller, D. and McLaughlin, G., 'The Media Politics of the Peace in Ireland' Harvard International Journal of Press/Politics. 1(4) Fall 1996: 116-134
- Miller, D., 'Ulsterised Broadcasting - The Trouble with Reporting Northern Ireland', Planet: The Welsh Internationalist, No. 118, Aug/Sep 1996.
- Miller, D. and Philo, G., 'Against Orthodoxy: The Media Do Influence Us', Sight and Sound, December 1996: 18-20.
- Williams, K. and Miller, D., 'AIDS News and News Culture' in J. Downing, A.Mohammadi and A. Sreberny-Mohammadi (eds.) Questioning the Media, 2nd Ed. Newbury Park: Sage, p413-427, 1995.
- Miller, D. and Reilly, J., 'Making an Issue of Food Safety: The media, Pressure Groups and the Public Sphere' in Donna Maurer and Jeffrey Sobal (eds.) Eating Agendas: Food, Eating and Nutrition as Social Problems, New York: Aldine De Gruyter, pp 305-336, 1995. Citation.
- Miller, D., 'The Media and Northern Ireland: Censorship, Information Management and the Broadcasting Ban', in Greg Philo (ed.), Glasgow Media Group Reader, Volume II, London: Routledge, 1995.
- Miller, D., 'Introducing the "Gay Gene": Media and Scientific Representations', Public Understanding of Science, 4: 264-284, 1995.
- Miller, D., 'The Reel Crisis in Ireland', New Statesman & Society, p.32, 4 August 1995.
- Miller, D., 'Understanding "Terrorism": Contrasting Audience Interpretations of the Televised Conflict in Ireland' in Meryl Aldridge and Nicholas Hewitt (eds), Controlling Broadcasting: Access, Policy and Practice in North America and Europe, Fulbright Papers 13, Manchester: Manchester University Press in association with the Fulbright Commission, 1994.
- Miller, D., 'Aerial Combat', New Statesman & Society, p.24, 18 November 1994.
- Miller, D., 'Auntie Gets a Whiff of Glasnost', Index on Censorship, 23(6), November/December 1994: 50-53.
- Miller, D., 'Review of Women Viewing Violence' by Schlesinger et al, Critical Social Policy, Issue 40, Summer 1994.
- Miller, D., 'Diplomatic Vacuity', The Observer, Uncensored Supplement, April 1994.
- Miller, D. and Kitzinger, J., 'Educating the Public? HIV/AIDS Mass Media Information Campaigns in Britain', ANSWER, 11 February 1994.
- Miller, D., Review of Manufacturing Consent: Noam Chomsky and the Media by Mark Achbar', Index on Censorship, 3, p.122-124, 1994.
- Miller, D., 'The New Battleground? Community Relations and Cultural Traditions in Northern Ireland', Planet: The Welsh Internationalist, 102, December/January 1993: 74-79.
- Miller, D., 'Lip Service', Fortnight, p.10, December 1993.
- Miller, D., 'Northern Ireland: A Story Stifled', Independent, 13 October 1993.
- Miller, D., 'Why the Public Needs to Know', Index on Censorship, Vol. 22 No. 8&9, September-October:5-6. reprinted as 'Intervention möglich', Die Tageszeitung, 25 September 1993: 14.
- Miller, D., 'The Northern Ireland Information Service and the Media: Aims, Strategy, Tactics' in Eldridge, J. (ed.), Getting the Message, London: Routledge, 1993.
- Miller, D. and Williams, K., 'Negotiating HIV/AIDS Information: Agendas, Media Strategies and the News' in Eldridge, J. (ed.), Getting the Message, London: Routledge, 1993.
- Miller, D., 'The Beeb at bay', British Journalism Review, Vol. 4 No. 1: pp 20-26, 1993.
- Miller, D., 'Official Sources and Primary Definition: The Case of Northern Ireland', Media, Culture and Society, 15(3) July 1993: 385-406.
- Miller, D., 'Walls of Fire: Review of Drawing Support: Murals in the North of Ireland' by Bill Roston, The Scotsman, Weekend, 20 March 1993.
- Miller, D., 'No News, Bad News and BBC News', Troops Out, Vol. 15 No. 7, Nov/Dec 1992.
- Kitzinger, J. and Miller, D., '"African AIDS": The Media and Audience Beliefs', in P Aggleton, P Davies and G Hart, AIDS: Rights, Risk and Reason, London: Falmer Press, 1992.
- Judge, K., Solomon, M., Miller, D and Philo, G. (1992) 'Public Opinion, the NHS and the Media: Changing Patterns and Perspectives', British Medical Journal, Vol. 304, No. 6831:892- 895
- Miller, D., 'Contesting Political Violence: 'Terrorism', Propaganda and the Media', Linenhall Review, 9 (1) Spring 1992: 37-39.
- Miller, D. 'The Media on the Rock: The Media and the Gibraltar Killings', in Bill Rolston (ed.), The Media and Northern Ireland: Covering the Troubles, London: Macmillan, 1991, ISBN 0-333-51575-7.
- Henderson, L., Miller, D., and Reilly, J., 'When Silence is No Answer', Index on Censorship, Vol. 20 No 2, February 1991: 2-3.
- Miller, D., 'The History Behind a Mistake', British Journalism Review, Vol. 1 No 2 : 34-43, 1990.